Israeli headquarters for fight against terror recommends not to visit Turkey and Azerbaijan
The day before the holiday of Pesah Israeli headquarters for fight against terror issued a warning for the Israelis who want to go abroad. Visits, particularly to Jordan, Turkey, Malaysia and Sinai Peninsula are not recommended, it is reported by
The headquarters note that the recommendations are not based on the specific information about imminent terrorist attacks but on the overall assessment of the situation. The headquarters recited total of 41 countries where the Israelis should not meddle. New ones in the list are Kenya, Nigeria, Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Note that in last few years the governments of U.S.A., Great Britain and Israel have called Azerbaijan as a country with a high risk of terrorism. On January 31, 2011 the embassies of U.S.A and Great Britain issued a warning concerning the threat of terrorist attacks against their citizens in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was also among the nine countries which Israel recommends its citizens not to visit in connection with possible terrorist attacks.
In February 2011 in regard to the treats of terrorist attacks Israeli embassy in Baku temporarily stopped operating. It happened after the Israeli headquarters for fight against terror, operating under the control of the PM office of Israel, released a warning about the plans of Shia movement Hezbollah to attack Israelis. It recommended its citizens to avoid visits to some countries in connection with the anniversary of the elimination of influential militants Imad Murnie and Abbas Al-Musavi.
In February 2012 by order of the General Security Service (Shabak) it was prohibited for Israeli civil servants to visit southern republics of CIS, including Azerbaijan.